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Asset Discovery

Rama Sadhu Updated by Rama Sadhu

Asset Discovery in AppTrana lets you discover and maintain an inventory of all your public-facing web assets (Web, API, and mobile applications along with their associated Public IPs, sub-domains, and data center information).

The following video gives more details of Asset Discovery feature.

The following steps guide users to learn how asset discovery works:

Go to Manage > Assets.

There are three steps involved in asset discovery.

  1. Assets Discovered
  2. Assets Ignored
  3. Assets Protected

Assets Discovered 

Asset discovery starts with providing input parameters such as account name, domain name or simply selecting the onboarded domains as a reference to discover another application. 

  1. Enter the account name in the respective field (or)  
  2. Enter the domain name (or)  
  3. Select the domain from the drop-down menu and then click Start Discovery. 
  1. Also, a search bar is given to search for any asset by entering asset name or domain name. 

 Once asset discovery is completed, a table is displayed with the following details. 



Asset name 

A subdomain that is associated with the route domain. 

IP Address 

IP address of the asset. 

Data center 

The data center of the domain where the application is hosted. 

Domain Name 

Top-level domain or the route domain. 

Asset Type 

Assets can include webpages, APIs, databases, and so on. This field displays the type of asset such as Webpage. 


There are 2 different actions available. 

  1. Protect Now 
  2. Ignore Site 

Assets Ignored 

 Not all assets identified need to be protected, as some of them may be low risk. Such low-risk assets, although discovered by Apptrana, can be ignored by the user. 

  1. Once assets discovered successfully, assets data is displayed on the table. 
  2. Go to the Actions column and click Ignore Site. 
  1. A confirmation pop-up is displayed. Click Yes to ignore the asset. 
  1. Once the asset is ignored, a success message opens on the top. 
  1. Similarly, all the ignored assets are displayed in the Assets Ignored section with a table. The table details include Asset Name, IP Address, Data Center, TLD (Top Level Domain), and Action. 

Do not Ignore Assets 

Ignoring assets inadvertently or if the asset is not false positive and legitimate, user can mark undo this by clicking ‘Do not ignore’. 

In the below table, from action field click on the Do Not Ignore button to bring to Asset Discovered list. Also, the number of assets ignored is displayed in the Assets Ignored section header. 

 A confirmation pop-up opens and click Yes to do not ignore.

A success message is displays and the asset will automatically move to the Asset Discovered list.

Assets Onboarded

Proper onboarding ensures that AppTrana effectively safeguards the applications against threats while allowing legitimate traffic. 

Once the assets are discovered successfully, Go to Assets Discovered > Table> Action column> Protect Now

Add application page appears. 

Select Web Application and click Next

Choose the right plan for your application and click the Select button on the respective plan. 

Select the payment option to either Onboard using credit card or I have my own license and click Proceed.

Enter the domain name in Domain Details and click Proceed

 Choose the configuration details and click Onboard


Once the application is onboarded successfully, a process flow chart appears. Click Done.

 Assets Onboarded

The asset onboarded is displayed on the Assets onboarded section. 

 The table has details such as Asset Name, Protection Status, and Onboarded by (email address used for onboarding). 

Also, users can onboard the application/ asset from Assets Ignored section. In the Assets Ignored section, from the Action menu, click Protect Now and onboard the asset. 

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