WAF Automated Bypass and Unbypass
Indusface is bound to provide customer-centric 360-degree protection to their Web Applications, ensuring it to be always-available.
WAF automated bypass is the disaster recovery mechanism that protects the website to be always available, when there is downtime in WAF infrastructure. Automated Unbypass is the fail-safe process that brings the website to stay protected behind the AppTrana WAF.
How does AppTrana Automated Bypass Work?
Monitoring service continuously monitors the website uptime by accessing it through public internet from different locations.
When the monitoring service detects the Website downtime through public internet, it passes the information to AppTrana.
AppTrana checks whether the website is accessible directly through the origin address or not.
If the Website is not accessible, an alert email is triggered to the customer about the downtime of the origin server.
If the Website is accessible directly without WAF, it triggers WAF Bypassing process.
When the Website is Bypassed, all traffic is directed to the Bypass Fleet. Bypass fleet ensures traffic to the origin server is continuously directed through NATIP given during onboarding
A notification is sent to the support team and the customer.
Notification sent to the customer only if the customer has requested to be notified.
How does AppTrana Automated Unbypass Work?
AppTrana frequently checks for every 5 minutes whether the website is accessible through WAF or not.
If the Website is accessible through WAF, AppTrana triggers Auto-Unbypass, ensuring the website to stay protected behind the AppTrana WAF.

Criteria to trigger WAF bypass and unbypass
WAF bypass triggers when the origin server is not accessible through WAF via public internet but accessible without WAF.
WAF unbypass once origin server is accessible through WAF via public internet.