API Key Based - Scan Log Export
Indusface WAS facilitates effortless transmission of scan logs to third-party applications like SIEM and 3rd party databases, allowing thorough analysis.
AppTrana WAS facilitates Scan Log configuration in two methods:
AWS Access ARN Based: This method allows customers to securely access scan logs by integrating Indusface AWS3 with their AWS S3 using Amazon Resource Name (ARN). Click here to get configuration details.
API Key Based: Alternatively, customers can opt for the API Key Based configuration. It offers simplicity and flexibility, eliminating the need for complex authentication like ARN.
API Key-Based Configuration
This method enables customers to retrieve scan logs by calling an API with key-based authentication, and the keys can be generated within the platform.
These keys serve as authentication credentials, enabling secure communication between Indusface WAS and the third-party platforms.
Follow these steps to create a set of API keys:
- Log in to your Indusface WAS account and go to Settings.

- Navigate to Scan Log Config.

- Click API Key Based.

- Click on Generate Key.

Only the primary user has the authority to create the key, a measure taken for security purposes.
A prompt will appear requesting a name for the API key. Provide a name and click Generate.

A confirmation message will appear indicating the successful creation of the API key.

Upon successful generation, two keys will be provided: an Access Key and a Secret Key. Ensure to securely copy and store these keys.

There's a restriction of one key per account. If an additional key is needed, the existing one must be deleted before a new key can be generated.

- For further information about the API, navigate to the "API Details" tab.

Customers will need to input the API key details (such as Access Key and Secret Key[GC1] ) into their tool settings to access logs from the Indusface S3 bucket.
Use case 1: Get Specific Date Logs
Purpose: To fetch the scan logs for a specific date.
Method: GET
URL: http://was.indusface.com/client/v1/fetch-s3-logs
date | Add date in the params section and add date value |
Date format | Use the following date format to retrieve the logs: YYYY-MM-DD |
Header parameters
Header Parameter | Description |
accessKey | Use the Access Key value provided in the API Key Based table. |
secretKey | Use the Secret Key value provided in the API Key Based table. |
Possible Response 1: Logs fetched successfully for the requested date
"status": "OK",
"result": {
"success": "Data fetched successfully.",
"data": [
"ScanlogId": "12832867",
"ServicType": "AA",
"ServiceId": 78346,
"URL": "https://reports.example.com/as/aa/fail",
"ApplicationName": "",
"SealStatus": "PASS",
"TotalFoundVulnerabilities": 1,
"ScanStatus": "Scan Success Time Over",
"ScanDate": "2024-08-02",
"groups": [],
"Vulnerabilities": [
"UniqueAlertId": 3332161,
"Title": "Insecure Content Security Policy (CSP)/X-Frame-Options",
"Severity": "Medium",
"CVSS_Score": "6.1",
"OpenStatus": "NEW",
"FoundOn": "https://reports.example.com/",
"FoundDate": "2024-08-02"
"UniqueAlertId": 3332131,
"Title": "Possible Sensitive Directories/Files Detected",
"Severity": "Medium",
"CVSS_Score": "5.3",
"OpenStatus": "OPEN",
"FoundOn": "https://reports.example.com/web.config",
"FoundDate": "2024-08-02"
Possible Response 2: Scan Error
"status": "OK",
"result": {
"success": "Data fetched successfully.",
"data": [
"ScanlogId": "12833389",
"ServicType": "AA",
"ServiceId": 77170,
"URL": "http://reports.example.info",
"ApplicationName": "Asset 001",
"SealStatus": "FAIL",
"TotalFoundVulnerabilities": 0,
"ScanStatus": "Scan Error",
"ScanDate": "2024-08-20",
"groups": [
"Vulnerabilities": []
Possible Response 3: No logs found for the requested date
"status": "OK",
"result": {
"error": "No data logs found.",
"data": []
Use Case 2: Get Specific Date Range Logs
Purpose: To fetch the scan logs for a specific date.
Method: GET
URL: http://was.indusface.com/client/v1/fetch-s3-logs
fromDate | Enter the from date (Starting date) for S3 logs. |
toDate | Enter the to date (End date) for S3 logs. |
Use the following date format to retrieve the logs: YYYY-MM-DD.
Header parameters:
Header Parameter | Description |
accessKey | Use the Access Key value provided in the API Key Based table. |
secretKey | Use the Secret Key value provided in the API Key Based table. |
Possible Response 1: Logs fetched successfully
"status": "OK",
"result": {
"success": "Data fetched successfully.",
"data": [
"ScanlogId": "12832867",
"ServicType": "AA",
"ServiceId": 78346,
"URL": "https://reports.example.com/as/aa/fail",
"ApplicationName": "",
"SealStatus": "PASS",
"TotalFoundVulnerabilities": 31,
"ScanStatus": "Scan Success Time Over",
"ScanDate": "2024-08-02",
"groups": [],
"Vulnerabilities": [
"UniqueAlertId": 3332161,
"Title": "Insecure Content Security Policy (CSP)/X-Frame-Options",
"Severity": "Medium",
"CVSS_Score": "6.1",
"OpenStatus": "NEW",
"FoundOn": "https://reports.example.com/",
"FoundDate": "2024-08-02"
"ScanlogId": "12832920",
"ServicType": "AA",
"ServiceId": 78346,
"URL": "https://reports.example.com/as/aa/fail",
"ApplicationName": "",
"SealStatus": "PASS",
"TotalFoundVulnerabilities": 30,
"ScanStatus": "Scan Success Time Over",
"ScanDate": "2024-08-05",
"groups": [],
"Vulnerabilities": [
"UniqueAlertId": 3332161,
"Title": "Insecure Content Security Policy (CSP)/X-Frame-Options",
"Severity": "Medium",
"CVSS_Score": "6.1",
"OpenStatus": "OPEN",
"FoundOn": "https://reports.example.com/",
"FoundDate": "2024-08-05"
Scan Attributes
Attribute | Description |
ScanlogId | Every time a customer initiates a scan, an ID is generated for each new scan. |
ServiceType | The type of scan service customer chooses. Example: AA- Application Audit, MM- Malware Monitoring, VA- Vulnerability Assessment. |
ServiceId | For every customer, a unique Id is generated for the type of scan service they choose. |
URL | The application URL is displayed here. |
ApplicationName | Name of the application for which scan has been performed. |
SealStatus | Pass- If an application successfully completes all three types of security scans such as AA, VA, MM. Fail- If an application fails in any security scan and immediate action is required to patch high or critical vulnerability. |
TotalFoundVulnerabilities | The total count of vulnerabilities found during the scan. |
ScanStatus | Scan Success- Scan successfully completed within the scan time. Scan Error- When site is unable to access by the scanner or data is unavailable Partial Scan- For the given scan time website overall scan is not completed but partially done. Scan Success Time Over- Scan successfully completed but scan time over. |
ScanDate | Date of the scan performed. |
groups | A group consists of different websites that have the same properties and characteristics. If the website is assigned to any group, the same group name is displayed here. |
Vulnerabilities Attributes
Attribute | Description |
UniqueAlertId | For every vulnerability found during the scan, an Id is being generated. |
Title | Every vulnerability has a title |
Severity | Vulnerability severity is given here, that is critical, high, and medium. |
CVSS_Score | CVSS_Score is numerical representation of severity of vulnerability. |
OpenStatus | New- When a vulnerability is found for the first time. Opened- When a vulnerability is found, and patch is not done. Closed- When a vulnerability is patched. Re-Opened- When a patched vulnerability is opened again. |
FoundOn | Application site where the vulnerability is found. |
FoundDate | The date when the vulnerability is found. |