Protection Status



  • Protection status is defined by two parameters: protection score and protection level. To improve the protection score at the account level, customers must complete the pending actions and ensure their sites are at fully protected levels. 
  • Click Protection Status box from the Dashboard page. 
  • You'll navigate to the Groups & Assets > Protection Status page.  
  • Protection status contains two major sections, Protection Score and Protection Level. 
  • Protection Score 

Overall Protection Score Calculation: 


Fully Protected Sites Sites with no critical or high severity action pending, contribute 1 to the score. 
Partially Protected Sites Sites with no critical severity action but high severity action pending, contribute 0.5 to the score. 
Not Protected Sites Sites with critical severity action pending, contribute 0 to the score. 



Total sites: 12 

Fully Protected Sites: 3 

Partially Protected sites: 8 

Not protected sites: 1 

 Protection Score= [(1 *0) + (8* 0.5) + (3*1)]/12 = 0.58 

This would give a protection score of 5.8/10 


  • Overall protection score is represented in a line plot. 
  • Customers can see the score for last 7days, last 30days, and last month



Protection Level by Account


A summary is provided under the protection level section, explaining the number of applications protected out of the total applications. 

Additionally, compared to the previous time span (Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last month), the changes in the number of sites that are protected, not protected, and partially protected are also displayed. 

A table is given to show the protection level by app level. 

The counts of total onboarded sites, protected sites, partially protected sites, and unprotected sites are displayed individually. The table also provides details such as the app name, protection level, pending actions, and an action field to complete those tasks. 



Protection Level by Site 

A summary is provided under the Protection Level section, outlining the pending actions required to complete the process and move the site to a fully protected status. 

Additionally, a table is included that provides details about the pending actions, such as the action title, action category, and severity. 

In the below image, when customer resolve the High severity action, then the site status will be changed to fully protected. 


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