Manage Bandwidth
Bandwidth trend provides metrics on total data usage and CDN data usage. Also, the percentage of increase or decrease data usage compared to previous month is also indicates here.
Data Served
The following metrics provide insights into the total data served within the domain.
There are two different sections here.
- Total data served by WAF
- Total data served by CDN
Users can view detailed charts that compare total data served against data served from various countries. Additionally, the chart highlights the country with the highest percentage of data served.
CDN Summary
Integrate CDN with AppTrana for best speed and performance.
CDN summary displays the Cache status, Cache TTL (Time to Live), and total data served from CDN.
The toggle switch allows customers to enable or disable the cache status.
Configure CDN
- Click Configure CDN.
- Update Cache: enable or disable the toggle switch of your choice and click Cache Update.
- Purge CDN Data: This option allows you to remove the cache for a specific URL or purge the entire cache history, based on your selection. To delete all cached data, click Purge All, then select Purge Now.
- Custom Purge allows users to delete cached data from a specific URL.
- Click Custom Purge, enter the URL, and then click Purge Now.
- Cache TTL: TTL sets the time limit for the data to be cached. Select the TTL from the drop-down menu and save.
Custom Cache Settings
The customization occurs in 2 ways.
- Always Cache
- Never Cache
Always cache:
To always cache a URL, select the desired URL from the search bar, or click Add URL and enter the URL you wish to cache.
Click Confirm and Continue.
Never Cache:
To prevent a URL from being cached, select the desired URL from the search bar, or click Add URL and enter the URL you wish to exclude from caching.
Click Confirm and Continue.
Pending Action: URLs that are yet to be added by AppTrana Admin will be displayed under pending actions.
Customers can delete URLs from both the Always Cache and Never Cache lists and update their settings as needed.
List of Access Logs
This table gives details of access logs such as IP addresses, Response codes, Bytes i/p and o/p, and so on.
Parameter | Description |
IP | A specific IP address used to access a certain website producing a specific error status code is displayed in this field. |
Website | The name of the website is displayed here. |
URL | The URL which is used to access the website is displayed. |
Response Code | The HTTP response code is a status code displayed by a specific URL and IP address at a specific time. |
Bytes I/P | This column displays the byte size of the input or upload during the access. |
Bytes O/P | This column displays the byte size of the output or download during the access. |
Time | The exact time and date of the action is registered and displayed in this column. |