Manage Profile
This page allows customers to update their primary email address and company users' information.
Company Profile
- Navigate to Settings > Company Profile.
- This section displays the company name, number of users associated with the company, Primary email address of the company, and daily summary email enable option.
- To update the primary email address or change daily summary email settings, click Edit.
- Result: Edit Company Profile pop-up window opens.
- To change primary email address, enter the new primary email address in the respective filed.
- A toggle switch allocated to enable or disable daily summary emails, choose the option accordingly.
- Click Save to apply changes.
Company Users
This section details the list of users and their roles. Also, allows you to create a new user, delete user, update user details, and so on.
The list of users associated with the account and their details are displayed in the table.
Parameter | Description |
Username | The full name of the user is displayed here. |
The email address of the user is displayed here. | |
Phone | User contact number is displayed here. |
Role | The role which is assigned to the user is displayed here. |
Groups | The list of groups that user associated is displayed here. |
Actions | This field allows you to update user info or delete the user from the company profile. |
User Roles
There are three available roles:
Super Admin:
- This role grants the user all permissions. Super Admins can upgrade the license, update credit card information, and more.
- Super Admin role helps to get edit access to all the websites associated with account.
Website Admin:
- This role allows the user to manage a specific website, except for upgrading the license and updating credit card information.
- Website administrator role helps to assign edit access for websites or groups.
Read-Only – This role lets the user download reports and view the scan details.
Add User
- Click Add User.
- Result: Add User pop-up opens.
- Enter the requested user info such as First name, Last name, Business Email, Company Phone no in respective fields.
- Click
to enable two factor authentication. The 2-factor authentication allows a user to login to the AppTrana Portal in a more secure environment.
An email will be sent to the user with instructions to enable 2FA authentication.
- Click Next.
- Select any one of the user roles depending on the permissions to be assigned.
- Click Save.
Edit User
- Select the username for which user information to be updated.
- Click edit icon given in the action column.
- Update the details and click Save.
Delete User
- Select the username you want to delete.
- Click Delete icon given in the column.
- A confirmation pop-up appears.
- Click Delete.