Discover Assets
The Asset Discovery feature helps you identify and maintain an inventory of public-facing assets, such as web applications, APIs, and mobile applications. It also provides detailed information about these assets, including public IPs, subdomains, data centers, and more.
The details of the latest discovery include the date of the last scan, the total number of root domains and subdomains discovered, the number of subdomains discovered for each included root domain, and the number of TLDs included.
Configure Domain Discovery Settings by TLDs
- Configuring Top-Level Domains (TLDs) is crucial for ensuring accurate root domain discovery.
- Select Discover Summary > Configure Domain Discovery.
- A list of all TLDs will be displayed with checkboxes, and by default, all are included.
- Customers can exclude specific TLDs by unchecking the corresponding checkboxes and then discovering domains.
- To include a specific TLD and discover its domains, customers can use the search bar to enter the desired TLD.
- Once the TLDs are included, click Save to apply changes.
Start Discovery
- Go to Configure Domain Discovery and Click Start Discovery.
- A confirmation pop-up will appear, displaying the message: "([number]) root domains will be scanned."
- You can choose to include or exclude root domains based on your preferences.
- Once you've decided how many root domains you want to scan, click Start to proceed.
Once the asset discovery is started, it may take up to 72hours complete the scan and identify the subdomains.
List of Subdomains
Once asset discovery is completed successfully, a list of all subdomains discovered for each root domain, along with their details, is displayed in the table.
Parameter | Description |
Subdomain | A subdomain URL that is associated with the route domain. |
IP Address | IP address of the subdomain. |
Data center | The data center of the domain where the application is hosted. |
Discovered on | Date of subdomain discovery. |
Type | Assets can include webpages, APIs, databases, and so on. This field displays the type of asset such as Webpage. |
Action | There are two available actions: Protect Now – Onboard the application to enable protection. Ignore Site – If you determine the website is at low risk and choose to ignore it, click Ignore. |
Configure Root Domain
Root domain configuration typically involves managing the inclusion or exclusion of the root domain during asset discovery scan. Additionally, customers have the option to Ignore the root domain if it is deemed to be at low risk, preventing it from being included in the discovery process.
- Navigate to the Root Domains section.
- A list of all root domains will be displayed.
- Use the search bar to find the specific root domain and select it.
- On the right side, a toggle button will be available to include or exclude the root domain. Choose your preference accordingly.
To ignore Root domain, click Configure > Ignore.
Ignored Root Domains
The table below displays key details for ignored root domains. The information includes the root domain URL, its corresponding IP address, the data center where it is hosted, the date the root domain was discovered, and an option to restore the root domain.
Restore Root Domain
- In the table, find the root domain you want to restore.
- Click on the "Restore" button located in the Action column next to the desired domain.
- A pop-up message will appear asking for confirmation to restore the domain.
- Click Restore in the pop-up to confirm the action.
- Upon confirmation, the domain will be moved back into the protection list.
Ignored Subdomains and Restore Subdomains
The table below lists ignored subdomains that require protection. It displays essential details such as the associated root domain, IP address, data center, and the date the subdomain was discovered. Additionally, the Restore option is available to move the subdomain back into protection.
When an individual domain is selected, the tab name will change to ‘Manage Assets’ and the tabs under this section are different from Discover and manage- please address these pages.