Access Logs
- This page gives the details of access logs. Customers can summarize the data by applying various filters given.
- Navigate to Logs & Reports > Logs > Access Logs.
- Click the filter icon in access logs.
- Filter the access log data by various parameters given.
Filter Logs by Analysis Period
- Analyze the data by setting a time. Two methods are given to set the time, those are Date Range and Relative Period.
- Date Range: Specify the Date and time range by providing inputs such as From date and To date.
- Relative Period: Select the relative period by using the drop-down.
Filter Logs by IP
- Go to IP field and check the two parameters condition given.
- IP is one of – Show the data for requests come from any one of the specified IP addresses.
- IP is not one of – Show the data for requests which does not come from the specified IP addresses.
Users can enter multiple IP addresses by using comma separated values.
Filter Logs by URL
- Navigate to the URL field and verify the two given parameter conditions.
- URL contains – Show the data for which requests contain the specified URL.
- URL does not contain – Show the data for which requests do not contain the specified URL.
Filter Logs by Alias
- Navigate to Alias field.
- There are three conditions given in this field.
- All- Indicates the data of requests that route through all the alias domains.
Is One Of- Indicates the data of requests route only through the entered alias. - Is not One Of- Indicates the data of requests that not route through the entered alias.
Filter by Status Code
- Navigate to the Status Code field and select a status code from the drop-down menu.
Filter by Country
- Navigate to Country field.
- There are two conditions given in this field.
- Is one of- Select the countries from the drop-down menu and show the requests data for selected countries.
- Select a preferred condition.
- Is not one of- Select the countries from the drop-down menu and exclude the data for which countries selected and show the remaining countries data.
- Select a preferred condition.