Onboard into Indusface WAS

Click Business E-Mail field, enter your official email address, click Company Name field and enter your company name(this action is optional).

Click Contact No. field, enter your valid contact info, click to check or agree the end user agreement button and then click Register button. Thank You for Registering page appears.

This page appears if the registration is successful. Indusface WAS - Registration Successful mail is sent.


Reset Password


  • A verification email has been sent to your registered email, if not received then check junk/spam folder.
  • Click reset password link to set an unique password to your account. Reset Password page appears.

Please note that the link is valid for only limited time, for which "renew the link" option is enabled.


Renew expired reset password link


  • If the link is expired, reset password page appears as follows
  • Click Request new link button. Upon clicking it, new email with new link will be generated.
  • The similar email is sent to your registered email ID with reset password link which is valid for limited time.
  • Click reset password link from the mail. Reset password page appears.
  • The rest of the process is similar to the reset password as follows.
  • Reset password pages appears with New password and Re-enter password fields.

Your registered Username is displayed on the top.

  • Click New password field, enter a unique password following our guidelines, click confirm password field and enter the same unique password and then click Set Password button. Domain Details page appears.

Indusface Password guidelines is displayed on the side of each password field when clicked.

  • With successful setting of password, Add Website page appears.
  • Click Domain Details field, enter your domain name and then click Proceed button. Authenticate your Site page appears.

Once a domain is onboarded, existing domain name cannot be changed.


Validate your Site through


There are three ways to validate your website:

Email ID

By default, the first option or "validate using email id" is selected.

Click email id field, enter a valid email address to validate through your email ID i.e., first part or username of the email id should match the latter or domain part and then click Verify Now button. A Success message pops up.

The full email address is displayed just below the email Id field to rectify if anything misspelled before verifying the site.

  • Click OK button to close the pop-up. Summary page appears.

A quick "how to" guide is displayed in Summary page which mainly focus on Add website, Domain verification, Run a scan, Manual PT etc.

The guide is valid till the first scan and then disappears as it's purpose is to help user understand basic portal functionalities.

  • As a part of validation, an email is sent with the verification link to the registered email address.
  • Click on the link to verify your email id.

Indusface WAS Summary page appears displaying "URL ownership verified successfully" indicating the successful verification.

An email is sent to your registered email with Scan Now link for user convenience.

  • Click Scan Now button to start your first scan for the registered website.

The Advance Trail period(14 days) begins with first scan.

  • For the first time login after password reset, a user is expected to accept Indusface Terms and Conditions.
  • Go through our Terms and Conditions thoroughly and if you agree, click I Accept button.


HTML File Upload


  • Click to select the radio button of upload HTML file option.
  • As per the instructions given in the verification page, click the link to download or right click and select save option.
  • Upload the html file in root directory of the registered website.
  • Click test site link to check if the upload is successful.
  • htmlfilevalidation message is displayed if the upload is successful.
  • Click Verify Now button to complete the process. Success pop-up appears.
  • With the successful verification, URL ownership verified successfully message is displayed. Click OK to close the pop up. Summary page appears.
  • The Summary page displays with a quick "how to" guide which mainly focus on Add website, Domain verification, Run a scan, Manual PT etc.

The guide is valid till the first scan and then disappears as it's purpose is to help user understand basic portal functionalities.

  • Click Scan Now button to start your first scan of the registered website.

The Advance Trail period(14 days) begins with first scan.

During first time login after the password reset, a user is expected to accept Indusface Terms and Conditions.

Go through our Terms and Conditions thoroughly and if you agree, click I Accept button.


Meta tag


Click the radio button to select Add meta tag option.

As per the instructions displayed, copy the meta tag in HTML code(head tag) of the registered website and then click Verify Now button. Success pop up appears.

If the meta tag is successfully updated, message is displayed as "URL ownership verified successfully".

Click OK to close the pop up. Summary page appears.

The Summary page displays with a quick "how to" guide which mainly focus on Add website, Domain verification, Run a scan, Manual PT etc.

The guide is valid till the first scan and then disappears as it's purpose is to help user understand basic portal functionalities.

Click Scan Now button to start your first scan of the registered website.

The Advance Trail period(14 days) begins with first scan.

During first time login after the password reset, a user is expected to accept Indusface Terms and Conditions.

Go through our Terms and Conditions thoroughly and if you agree, click I Accept button.



Verify Later


Alternatively, you can choose to verify your site at a later time.

Click Verify Later button. Summary page appears.

Verify Later option is displayed for all the 3 validations.

An action guide is displayed which is the sequence of actions to be performed by the user in order to scan the registered website i.e., add a website, verify it's authority, run a scan, request manual PT and then view the results respectively. The guide is presented with icons and their descriptions for a clear understanding of a functionality.

Click on a specific action item to read the instructions, view the specified icon and to spot the location of the icon.

The domain onboarded is displayed in Site table with Verify Now button. Verify your domain to scan the website.

Verify Now icon is displayed in summary page despite of the validation type.

Click Verify Now icon to verify your domain. Add Website pop up appears.

In this case validate through your email ID option is displayed in Add Website pop-up.

Click email ID field, enter a valid email ID(which matches your domain) and then click Verify Now button.

Click here for further steps.

Similarly, Upload HTML file and Meta tag verification steps can be followed from Verify Now option from the beginning.

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