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Does Indusface provide its own CDN?

Indusface has a partnership with TATA Communications and provide AppTrana customers with Advance/Premium plan the option to enable CDN at no additional cost. Tata Communication's Whole Site Acceleration (WSA) technology delivers the blazing fast speed and carrier-grade resilience you need, to ensure content is always instantly accessible – worldwide.

Where is TATA CDN data centre located?

TATA Communications owns the 4 largest Tier IP backbone which ensures reduced latency. It has more than 400 POPs across 5 Continents and operate more than 1 million sq ft of data centre space in 44 locations worldwide. With 24% of the world’s internet routes on our network, we offer greater flexibility and performance. Tata’s Content Delivery Network offers the most direct routes between your content and your end users and is uniquely engineered to reach both developed and emerging markets directly and quickly.

I already have a CDN. Can I still use AppTrana?

Yes, while onboarding we ask if you already have CDN. If you are already using any other CDN, let us know and we will configure your site to enable only protection. At any point in future, you would like to switch to our CDN. Please reach out to our support and they will help you out.

Will the service make my website faster?

Of course, TATA CDN is one of the best in the world and consistently provide superior performance in both developed and emerging markets. Based on 3 party independent test conducted by Cedexis, Tata CDN is ranked #1 in UK, France, ranked #2 in India, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan & Mexico. Ranked #3 in US.

What is cached by default and how can I manage my caching policies?

As with any CDN, the most common choice is to cache Static objects which does not change at all. Eg., Images, Java Script, CSS files, PDF files, Media files.

As part of default config CDN will be caching the following extensions: Jpeg, jpg, png, gif, ttf, woff, woff2, swf, doc, mp3 , mp4, mov, wav, flv, js, and css

The default caching period is 24 hrs. One can change the default caching period from the portal. Click here to know more.

Is dynamic content caching possible?

In general, you should not cache Dynamic pages. However, we may identify, or extract, some of the static content out of these dynamic pages and cache it on the CDN. This might be applicable to certain product display pages where the main URL remains the same but query parameters changes. Based on different query string parameter values, the content of the page changes. So, you can cache these pages for some amount of time and improve the page load time for the end users by caching it at the CDN server, and reducing load on your origin server. This will improve end user’s experience.

You can enable such configuration by contacting Indusface Support.

Can I cache specific Static pages?

Yes, certain sites have some pages which will be static and won’t change. In such cases, you can cache those pages by adding the URL under the Always Cache section in the Settings page.

TTL of cache will be same as the TTL set for global cache.

Will CDN work for HTTPS traffic?

Yes, AppTrana works for HTTPS traffic and the SSL used for WAF in AppTrana will be used by CDN to serve HTTPS traffic.

How frequently do cached files expire?

Default TTL is 24 hours. Customer can configure this from Settings page.

How can I purge my cache?

You can purge the cached content from Settings page. There are 2 options

Purge All – In this case all the cached content will be purged and new data will be cached. This should be done with caution as purging all will involve heavy load and may cause degradation of service.

Custom Purge – In this case, customer can purge a particular URI or content type. It is recommended to use this option wherever possible.

Can I disable CDN?

Yes, you always have an option to enable/disable Cache Status, this can be done from Settings page. When CDN is disabled only protection will be enabled and traffic won't be served through CDN network.

Does the CDN supports redirection?

Yes, CDN supports redirection. Options are available to redirect based on,

Geo location: Users from a particular Geographical location are shown only certain content.

Port level redirection.

HTTP to HTTPS redirection.

This option is not currently available through Settings page. If you have any requirements about redirection, contact Indusface Support.

Do you support Rewrites?

Yes, CDN supports rewrite. For any rewrite request, contact support as it is not an available option to configure from Settings page.

Why do I see US IP in response no matter where I try to access the site from?

CDN works on Anycast Protocol. This is a border gateway protocol on which all CDN works. Anycast is essentially many servers sharing a common IP. Using the BGP protocol all servers advertise to the routers that they are listening on this IP. When a request comes to this router it knows which server is the nearest to which that is listening on the IP and sends traffic to it. This ensures traffic is served from nearest edge. So, in this case if customer tries to Geo locate the IP, it will not essentially show the location of the Edge as same IP is shared by many servers all over the world.

To know which edge they have got the response from they should look at the Header in the response called Server. For example when accessed from Bangalore, will show server as : v/6.0.5/6.0.6/v3blr1-www.

Here "blr" stands for Bangalore and is being served from closest edge, though IP which will continue to be which is Anycast IP of CDN. If Geo lookup is done, it will end up showing US.

How to activate Apptrana CDN?

Go through the following PDF to know how to activate Apptrana's CDN.

How to activate AppTrana CDN.pdf

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