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Analysis page - Access Trend Visualization

Rama Sadhu Updated by Rama Sadhu

This page displays the analysis of Access Logs. Users can easily filter and summarize the data by applying multiple filters. 

Product Walkthrough - Access (Request) Log Analysis on AppTrana

Access Logs 

Go to Analysis > Access Logs. 

 Filter the data by different parameters given below. 

Filter Data by Analysis Period 

 Analyze the data by setting a time period. Two methods are given to set the time period, those are Date Range and Relative Period.

  1. Date Range: Specify the Date and time range by providing inputs such as From date and To date. 
  1. Relative period: select the relative period by using drop-down. 
 Filter Data by IP 

 Go to IP field and check the two parameters condition given. 

  1. IP is one of – Show the data for requests come from any one of the specified IP addresses. 
  2. IP is not one of – Show the data for requests which does not come from the specified IP addresses. 
User can enter the IP addresses by using comma separated values.
Filter Data by URL 

 Go to URL field and check the two parameters condition given. 

  1. URL contains – Show the data for which requests contain the specified URL. 
  2. URL does not contain – Show the data for which requests do not contain the specified URL.


Filter data by Alias and status codes 

 Go to Alias field, check the three parameters condition given. 

  1. All – Show the data for which requests route through all the alias domains. 
  2. Is one of- Show the data for which requests route only through the entered alias.  
  3. Is not one of- Show the data for which requests route not through the entered alias. 

Go to the status code field and filter the data by selecting any of the status code given in the drop-down. 

 Filter Data by Country 

Go to Country field and check the two parameters condition. 

Is one of- Select the countries from the drop-down menu and show the requests data for selected countries. 

Is not one of- Select the countries from the drop-down menu and exclude the data for which countries selected and show the remaining countries data. 

 After applying all the filters, Click Apply. 

Once the filter applied successfully, A table is generated with details such as IP, Website name, URL, Status code, and so on. 




A suspicious IP address used to access a certain website maliciously producing a specific error status code is displayed in this field. 

Website Name

Name of the website


A URL used to access a website is displayed in this column. 

Status Code 

The Error status code displayed by a specific URL and IP address at a specific time is displayed in this column. 


Subdomain route through the main domain.


This column displays the byte size of the input or upload during the access. 


This column displays the byte size of the output or download during the access. 


This column displays the geographical location of the person trying to access the system. 


The exact time and date of the action is registered and displayed in this column. 

Click Download CSV button to get the access logs details in CSV format.  

Show Summary for Access Logs

  1. From Show Top, select the parameters such as IP, URL, Country, Alias  
  2. Summarize based on number of requests or Total bandwidth. 
  3. Go to List Top and select the number.

 After applying, all the filters click Show Summary.  

The summary contains a top list of data. 

In the below example, We have overall 4 IPs with 137345 requests cumulatively. The table gives details of each IP address and requests received from the address along with the chart separately. 

User can go to any of the IP check the trend graph of the IP separately.  

 Also, users can click on the trend icon given in Sum of All Requests field to display the summarized data in graph.

Trend for Sum of All Requests(All IP Addresses): 

Trend for Selected IP address: 

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